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Writer's pictureMiddle Creek Montessori

Pre-Primary: Sweet Pea - Oct. 2019

Dear Sweet Pea families,

Thank you so much to everyone who made it out to Parent/Teacher conferences! We enjoyed meeting with all of you and getting to know you a little more.

As the days grow shorter and we are greeted by the new season, the Sweet Pea class has taken every opportunity to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air on our walks, playground, and in our garden area. October has brought our attention to autumn, fall leaves, pumpkins, and the migrating birds.

Our class continues to focus on care of self, the environment, and one another. The children are learning to dress themselves for the outdoors, locate the proper place for their lunch and snacks, wash their hands, and use kind and loving words as they develop friendships. They are enjoying and readily adapting to the routine of their day. They are eager to explore their surroundings and experience a wide range of activities, including learning colors with matching lessons, scooping and pouring in the sensory bin, “reading” books, and caring for the fish, to mention a few.

Arts and crafts materials are provided to encourage the use of their hands as vehicles of self-expression and to develop pre-writing skills.

Maria Montessori writes of the toddler:

The instinct to move about, to pass from one discovery to another, is a part of their nature, and it must also form a part of their education.

Our circle time has been a very special time for the children to join in songs, rhyming and name games, the calendar, and phonics lessons. They are learning that every letter makes a sound. They take great pleasure in sitting side-by-side in the circle as they learn to take their turn.

We ask that you please send appropriate and labeled clothing for the cooler and wet weather. We like to take the children outside each day that the weather permits. Clothing and shoes that provide your child with the ability to care for themselves independently are the best. We also ask that you continue to provide hearty and healthy snacks and lunches that are high in protein and low in sugar.

Thank you for being part of our community!

Ms. Kat, Ms. Emily, and Ms. Christina

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