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Elementary: Lower El. - Mar. 2020

Writer: Middle Creek MontessoriMiddle Creek Montessori

It's hard to believe it is already March and spring will soon be here. This means one very exciting thing for the Lower Elementary class: time to raise chicks!

The chicks will be in the classroom when we return from spring break. Every year, we raise two chicks in our classroom for three weeks before they are old enough to join our hens in the barn. The children will be keeping a chick journal to follow the growth and changes of one chick over the three-week period. Every morning, they will record the weight, write down any new observations, and draw what they look like. Fortunately, chicks grow very fast, so the children will see big changes every day. The third grade students will take turns taking the chicks home at night to care for them. I will be sending out an email with information about scheduling these nights and guidelines for the care of the chicks.

We began our study of the Timeline of Life this month. We will be going through the different Eras and Periods, as well as the plants and animals that lived during those times. The children will be doing research and art projects to go along with this study.

As the days have been getting warmer and longer, we started Jade plant pups in our low windows. We will do more planting and botany study over the next three months.

The children had so much fun preparing for and showing parents lessons during our Expert Afternoon. It was a wonderful time where our parents were given some of our classroom lessons, and then tried their hand at them as well. Thank you parents for being so warm and kind to the children, which allowed these young students to feel comfortable sharing their lessons with you.

We had a special afternoon where our class was able to present their thank you cards, artwork, dog treats, and a poster to Mr. Martinez from Warriors for Quiet Waters. He will share these with all of the veterans who come to Bozeman during the summer to go fly fishing. Mr. Martinez, a wounded warrior himself, also shared with the children how to respect service dogs when they see them out with their handlers.

Thank you to Mr. Martinez and Nebula (his Great Dane service dog)!

Thank you to Dr. Joni (Wyatt’s mom) who is a pediatric dentist for sharing with the children ways to take care of your teeth and oral hygiene.

With melting snow on the way, please check in to see if your child needs any of their gloves, hats, or snow pants washed and dried at home.

Upcoming Events:

  • March 16th to 20th: Spring Break

  • April 9th and 10th: Parent Teacher Conferences

I hope you all have a wonderful month of March and enjoy spring break!

Mrs. Nowak



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